
jQuery Intro

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animate() method in jQuery




The animate() method allows a selected element to animate from a set of values to a new set of values. It has two parameters. These are:-

The first parameter defines the CSS  properties which needed to be changed for animation purposes. All properties should be written in camelCase. The properties are written in JSON Format like ("key": "value" pairs).

The second parameter is the speed of the animation.




Its syntax is:- (selector).animate({styles}, speed, easing, callback);


Further Explanation:-


Parameter Description
styles Required. Specifies one or more CSS properties/values to animate. THe property name must be written in came-cased.
speed Optional. Specifies the speed of the animation. Default value is 400 milliseconds
easing Optional. Specifies the speed of the element in different points of the animation. Default is swing
callback Optional. A function to be executed after the animation completes.

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