
jQuery Intro

jQuery Intro Quiz

jQuery Intro Exercise

jQuery Basic

jQuery Basic Quiz

jQuery Basic Exercise

jQuery Advance

jQuery Advance Quiz

jQuery Advance Exercise

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Effects

jQuery Events

jQuery Methods and Properties

jQuery Traversing

jQuery CSS and HTML Methods

jQuery Traversing

List of jQuery Traversing

add() Method in jQuery
The add() method is used to add elements to an existing group of elements. It adds elements to the whole document.
children() Method in jQuery
The children() method is used to return all direct children of the selected element. It is only used to traverse down a single level.
closest() Method in jQuery
The closest() method is used to return the first ancestor of the selected element. An ancestor can be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on.
contents() Method in jQuery
The contents() method is used to return all direct children, including text and comment nodes, of the selected element.
each() Method in jQuery
The each() method is used to specify a function to run for each matched element. We can make the loop stop early by returning false.
eq() Method in jQuery
The eq() method is used to return an element with a specific index number of the selected elements.
filter() Method in jQuery
The filter() method is used to return elements that match certain criteria. It allows us to specify criteria for search.
find() Method in jQuery
The find() method is used to return descendant elements of the selected element. It can be a child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and so on.
first() Method in jQuery
The first() method is used to return the first element of the selected elements. If we want to get the last element, then we have to use the last() method.
has() Method in jQuery
The has() method is used to return all elements that have one or more elements inside of them that match the specified selector
is() Method in jQuery
The is() method is used to check if one of the selected elements matches the selectorElement.
last() Method in jQuery
The last() method is used to return the last element of the selected elements. If we want to get the first element, then we have to use the first() method.
next() Method in jQuery
The next() method is used to return the next sibling element of the selected element. Siblings elements are those elements that have the same parent.
nextAll() Method in jQuery
The nextAll() method is used to return all next sibling elements of the selected element. Sibling elements are those elements that have a common parent.
nextUntil() Method in jQuery
The nextUntil() method is used to return all next sibling elements between the selector and stop. Sibling elements are those elements that have a common parent.
not() Method in jQuery
The not() method is used to return elements that do not match certain criteria. We can specify the criteria.
offsetParent() Method in jQuery
The offsetParent() method is used to return the first positioned parent element. We can position an element using jQuery or with CSS properties.
parent() Method in jQuery
The parent() method is used to return the direct parent element of the selected element. It only traverses a single level up the DOM tree.
parents() Method in jQuery
The parents() method is used to return all ancestor elements of the selected element. It can be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on.
parentsUntil() Method in jQuery
The parentsUntil() method returns all ancestor elements between the selector and stop. An ancestor can be a parent, grandparent, and so on.
prev() Method in jQuery
The prev() method returns the previous sibling element of the selected element. Sibling elements are those elements that have the same parent.
prevAll() Method in jQuery
The prevAll() method is used to return all previous sibling elements of the selected element. Sibling elements are those elements that have the same parent.
prevUntil() Method in jQuery
The prevUntil() method is used to return all previous sibling elements between the selector and stop. Sibling elements are those elements that have the same parent.
siblings() Method in jQuery
The siblings() method is used to return all sibling elements of the selected element. Sibling elements are those elements that have the same parent.
slice() Method in jQuery
The slice() method is used to select a subset of elements based on its index. A subset is a set that is a part of a larger set.