
jQuery Intro

jQuery Intro Quiz

jQuery Intro Exercise

jQuery Basic

jQuery Basic Quiz

jQuery Basic Exercise

jQuery Advance

jQuery Advance Quiz

jQuery Advance Exercise

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Effects

jQuery Events

jQuery Methods and Properties

jQuery Traversing

jQuery CSS and HTML Methods

jQuery CSS and HTML Methods

List of jQuery CSS and HTML Methods

addClass() Method in jQuery
The addClass() method is used to add one or more class names to the selected elements. We cannot use it to remove existing class attributes.
after() Method in jQuery
The after() method is used to insert specified content after the selected elements. For inserting the content before selected elements, we can use the before() method.
append() Method in jQuery
The append() method is used to insert specified content at the end of the selected elements. For inserting content at the beginning of the selected elements, we have to use the prepend() method.
appendTo() Method in jQuery
The appendTo() method is used to insert HTML elements at the end of the selected elements.
attr() Method in jQuery
The attr() method is used to set or return attributes and values of the selected elements.
before() Method in jQuery
The before() method is used to insert specified content in front of the selected elements. For inserting content after selected elements, we have to use the after() method.
clone() Method in jQuery
The clone() method is used to make a copy of selected elements, including its child nodes, text, and attributes.
css() Method in jQuery
The css() method is used to set or return one or more style properties for the selected elements.
detach() Method in jQuery
The detach() method is used to remove the selected elements with all of their text and child nodes. However, it keeps data and events.
empty() Method in jQuery
The empty() method is used to removes all child nodes and content from the selected elements. It does not remove the element itself, or its attributes.
hasClass() Method in jQuery
The hasClass() method is used to check if any of the selected elements have a specified class name. If the class is present with the same name, then it will return true otherwise false.
height() Method in jQuery
The height() method is used to set or return the height of the selected elements.
html() Method in jQuery
The html() method is used to set or return the content with tags of the selected elements.
innerHeight() Method in jQuery
The innerHeight() method returns the inner height of the FIRST matched element. It includes both the element height and padding of its y-axis if present.
innerWidth() Method in jQuery
The innerWidth() method is used to return the inner width of the FIRST matched element. It includes both the element width and padding of its x-axis if present.
insertAfter() Method in jQuery
The insertAfter() method is used to insert HTML elements after the selected elements. For inserting HTML elements before the selected elements, we have to use the insertBefore() method.
insertBefore() Method in jQuery
The insertBefore() method is used to insert HTML elements before the selected elements. For inserting HTML elements after the selected elements, we have to use the insertAfter() method.
offset() Method in jQuery
The offset() method is used to set or return the offset coordinates for the selected elements, relative to the document.
offsetParent() Method in jQuery
The offsetParent() method is used to return the first positioned parent element. We can position any element using jQuery, or with the CSS position property.
outerHeight() Method in jQuery
The outerHeight() method is used to return the outer height of the FIRST matched element. It includes both the element height, padding of its y-axis if present, and border width.
outerWidth() Method in jQuery
The outerWidth() method is used to return the outer width of the FIRST matched element. It includes both the element width, padding of its x-axis if present, and border width.
position() Method in jQuery
The position() method is used to return the position of the first matched element relative to its parent. It returns an object with 2 properties i.e, the top and left positions in pixels.
prepend() Method in jQuery
The prepend() method is used to insert specified content at the beginning of the selected elements. For inserting content at the end of the selected elements, we can use the append() method.
prependTo() Method in jQuery
The prependTo() method is used to insert HTML elements at the start of the selected elements. For inserting HTML elements at the end of the selected elements, we have to use the appendTo() method.
prop() Method in jQuery
The prop() method is used to set or return properties and values of the selected elements.
remove() Method in jQuery
The remove() method is used to remove the selected elements, including all text and child nodes. It is also used to remove data and events of the selected elements.
removeAttr() Method in jQuery
The removeAttr() method is used to remove one or more attributes from the selected elements.
removeClass() Method in jQuery
The removeClass() method is used to remove one or more class names from the selected elements. If no parameter is specified, it will remove ALL class names from the selected elements.
removeProp() Method in jQuery
The removeProp() method is used to remove a property set by the prop() method. We cannot use this method to remove HTML attributes like style, id, etc.
replaceAll() Method in jQuery
The replaceAll() method is used to replace selected elements with new HTML elements.
replaceWith() Method in jQuery
The replaceWith() method replaces selected elements with new content.
scrollLeft() Method in jQuery
The scrollLeft() method is used to set or return the horizontal scrollbar position for the selected elements.
scrollTop() Method in jQuery
The scrollTop() method is used to set or return the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.
text() Method in jQuery
The text() method is used to set or return the text content of the selected elements.
toggleClass() Method in jQuery
The toggleClass() method is used to toggle between adding and removing one or more class names from the selected elements.
unwrap() Method in jQuery
The unwrap() method is used to remove the parent element of the selected elements.
val() Method in jQuery
The val() method is used to return or set the value attribute of the selected elements. It is used with form elements.
width() Method in jQuery
The width() method is used to set or return the width of the selected elements.
wrap() Method in jQuery
The wrap() method is used to wrap specified HTML elements around each selected element.
wrapAll() Method in jQuery
The wrapAll() method is used to wrap specified HTML elements around all selected elements.
wrapInner() Method in jQuery
The wrapInner() method is used to wrap specified HTML elements around the content of each selected element.