
jQuery Intro

jQuery Intro Quiz

jQuery Intro Exercise

jQuery Basic

jQuery Basic Quiz

jQuery Basic Exercise

jQuery Advance

jQuery Advance Quiz

jQuery Advance Exercise

jQuery Selectors

jQuery Effects

jQuery Events

jQuery Methods and Properties

jQuery Traversing

jQuery CSS and HTML Methods

jQuery Events

List of jQuery Events

blur() Method in jQuery
The blur event is used to occur when an element loses focus. The blur() method triggers the blur event.
change() Method in jQuery
The change event occurs when the value of an element has been changed. It works on textarea, select, and input elements.
click() Method in jQuery
The click event is used to occur when an element is clicked. The click() method is used to trigger the click event.
dblclick() Event in jQuery
The dblclick event is used to occur when an element is double-clicked. The dblclick() method is used to trigger the dblclick event.
event.currentTarget Property in jQuery
The event.currentTarget property is the current DOM(Document Object Model) element within the event bubbling phase and is typically equal to this.
event.data Property in jQuery
The event.data property is used to contain the optional data passed to an event method when the current executing handler is bound.
event.delegateTarget Property in jQuery
The event.delegateTarget property is used to return the current element where the jQuery event handler was attached.
event.isDefaultPrevented() Method in jQuery
The event.isDefaultPrevented() method is used to verify whether the preventDefault() method was called for the event or not.
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() Method in jQuery
This method is used to verify whether the event.stopImmediatePropagation() was called for the event. It returns true if event.stopImmediatePropagation() is called, and false if not.
event.isPropagationStopped() Method in jQuery
The event.isPropagationStopped() method is used to verify whether event.stopPropagation() was called for the event. It returns true if event.stopPropagation() is called, and false if not.
event.namespace Property in jQuery
The event.namespace property is used to return the custom namespace when the event was triggered.
event.pageX Property in jQuery
The event.pageX property is used to return the position of the mouse pointer, relative to the left edge of the document. It is used together with the event.pageY property.
event.pageY Property in jQuery
The event.pageY property is used to return the position of the mouse pointer, relative to the Top edge of the document. It is used together with the event.pageX property.
event.preventDefault() Method in jQuery
The event.preventDefault() method stops the default action of an element from happening like preventing a submit button from submitting the form and the same with the URL.
event.relatedTarget Property in jQuery
The event.relatedTarget property is used to return which element is being entered or exited on mouse movement.
event.result Property in jQuery
The event.result property has the last value returned by an event handler triggered by the specified event.
event.stopImmediatePropagation() Method in jQuery
The event.stopImmediatePropagation() method is used to stop the rest of the event handlers from being executed.
event.stopPropagation() Method in jQuery
The event.stopPropagation() method is used to stop the bubbling of an event to parent elements i.e, it prevents any parent event handlers from being executed
event.target Property in jQuery
The event.target property is used to return which DOM(Document Object Model) element triggered the event. It is useful in many cases.
event.timeStamp Property in jQuery
The event.timeStamp property returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, when the event is triggered.
event.type Property in jQuery
The event.type property is used to return which event type was triggered.
event.which Property in jQuery
The event.which property is used to return which keyboard key or mouse button was pressed for the event.
focus() Method in jQuery
The focus event is used to occur when an element gets focused. The focus() method triggers the focus event.
focusin() Method in jQuery
The focusin event is used to occur when an element or its child element gets focus.
focusout() Method in jQuery
The focusout event is used to occur when an element or its child element loses focus.
hover() Method in jQuery
The hover() method is used to specify two functions to run when the mouse pointer hovers over the selected elements.
keydown() Method in jQuery
The keydown event is used to occur when a keyboard key is pressed down. It triggers the keydown event and we can attach a function to it.
keyup() Method in jQuery
The keyup event is used to occur when a keyboard key is released. It triggers the keyup event and we can attach a function to it.
keypress() Method in jQuery
The keypress event is used to occur when a keyboard key is pressed down. It triggers the keypress event and we can attach a function to it.
mousedown() Method in jQuery
The mousedown event is used to occur when the mouse button is pressed down over the selected element. The mousedown() function triggers the mousedown event.
mouseenter() Method in jQuery
The mouseenter event is used to occur when the mouse pointer enters the selected element. The mouseenter() function triggers the mouseenter event.
mouseleave() Method in jQuery
The mouseleave event is used to occur when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element. The mouseleave() function triggers the mouseleave event.
mousemove() Method in jQuery
The mousemove event is used to occur whenever the mouse pointer moves within the selected element. The mousemove() method triggered the mousemove event.
mouseout() Method in jQuery
The mouseout event is used to occur when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element. The mouseout() method triggered the mouseout event.
mouseover() Method in jQuery
The mouseover event is used to occur when the mouse pointer is over the selected element. The mouseover() method triggered the mouseover event.
mouseup() Method in jQuery
The mouseup event is used to occur when the mouse button is released over the selected element. The mouseup() function triggers the mouseup event.
off() Method in jQuery
The off() method is used to remove event handlers attached with the on() method. It is relatively new compared to previous similar functions like unbind(), die(), etc.
on() Method in jQuery
The on() method is used to attach one or more event handlers for the selected elements and child elements.
one() Method in jQuery
The one() method is used to attach one or more event handlers for the selected elements. It specifies a function to run when the event occurs.
$.proxy() Method in jQuery
The $.proxy method is used to take an existing function and returns a new one with a particular context.
ready() Method in jQuery
The ready event is used to occur when the DOM (document object m
resize() Method in jQuery
The resize event is used to occur when the browser window changes size. The resize() method triggered the resize event.
scroll() Method in jQuery
The scroll event is used to occur when the user scrolls in the specified element. It works for all scrollable elements and the window object.
select() Method in jQuery
The select event is used to occur when a text is selected in a text area or a text field. The select() method triggered the select event.
submit() Method in jQuery
The submit event is used to occur when a form is submitted. It is only used on form elements. The submit() method triggered the submit event.
trigger() Method in jQuery
The trigger() method is used to trigger the specified event and the default behavior of an event for the selected elements.
triggerHandler() Method in jQuery
The triggerHandler() method is used to trigger the specified event for the selected element. It is similar to the trigger() method.