
JavaScript Intro

JavaScript Intro Quiz

JavaScript Intro Exercise

JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic Quiz

JavaScript Basic Exercise

JavaScript Advance

JavaScript Advance Quiz

JavaScript Advance Exercise

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 Quiz

JavaScript ES6 Exercise

JavaScript Array Methods and Properties

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Properties and Methods

JavaScript Date Methods and Properties

JavaScript Global Methods and Properties

JavaScript RegExp Properties and Methods

JavaScript Class Methods and Keywords

JavaScript Errors, JSON and Booleans

JavaScript Statements

JavaScript Window History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Location Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Screen Object Properties

JavaScript Window Navigator Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Console Object Methods

JavaScript Geolocation and Storage APIs

JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration Object Methods and Properties

HTML DOM Documents Object Properties and Methods

DOM HTMLCollection Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Attributes Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Style Object Properties

HTML DOM AnimationEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ClipboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM DragEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM FocusEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM HashChangeEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM InputEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM KeyboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM PageTransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ProgressEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM StorageEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM WheelEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM UiEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TouchEvent Properties and Methods

The Event Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

List of JavaScript String Methods and Properties

String length in JavaScript
The length property is used to return the length of a string. For an empty string, its value is 0.
String prototype in JavaScript
The prototype property is used to add new properties and methods to strings. It is available for all JavaScript objects.
String charAt() in JavaScript
The charAt() method is used to return the character at a specified index in a string. The index of a string is like an array that starts from 0 and so on.
String charCodeAt() in JavaScript
The charCodeAt() method is used to return the Unicode of the character at a specified index in a string. The index of the first character is 0 and so on.
String concat() in JavaScript
The concat() method is used to join two or more strings. It does not have any impact on existing strings and it will return a new string.
String endsWith() in JavaScript
The endsWith() method is used to return true if a string ends with a specified string else it will return false. This method is case-sensitive.
String.fromCharCode() in JavaScript
The String.fromCharCode() method is used to convert Unicode values into characters. It is a static method of string objects.
String includes() in JavaScript
The includes() method is used to return true if a string contains a specified string else it will return false. This method is case-sensitive.
String indexOf() in JavaScript
The indexOf() method is used to return the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string. If the value is not present then it will return -1. This method is case-sensitive.
String lastIndexOf() in JavaScript
The lastIndexOf() method is used to return the index of the last occurrence of a specified value in a string. However, it returns the index from the beginning position i.e, 0.
String localeCompare() in JavaScript
The localeCompare() method is used to compare two strings in the current locale. It will return three values i.e, -1,1,0.
String match() in JavaScript
The match() method is used to match a string against a regular expression. It will return an array with the matches if matches are found or else null.
String repeat() in JavaScript
The repeat() method is used to return a string with a number of copies of a string. Each time it will return numbers of new strings and it will not change the original string.
String replace() in JavaScript
The replace() method is used to search a string for a value or a regular expression. It does not have any impact on the original string and will return a new string having replaced values.
String search() in JavaScript
The search() method is used to match a string against a regular expression. It returns the index of the first matched result else it will return -1. This method is case-sensitive.
String slice() in JavaScript
The slice() method is used to extract a part of a string. It will return extracted part in a new string and does not have any effect on the original string. A negative number will start selecting from the end of the string.
String split() in JavaScript
The split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings. It will return a new array without having any effect on the original string. If the separator is empty with a space, then the string is split between words.
String startsWith() in JavaScript
The startsWith() method is used to return true if a string starts with a specified string else it will return false. This method is case-sensitive.
String substr() in JavaScript
The substr() method is used to extract a part of a string. This method begins at a specified position and returns a specified number of characters. However, it will not change the original string.
String substring() in JavaScript
The substring() method is used to extract characters between two indices from a string and return the substring. It extracts characters from start to end. It does not affect the original string.
String toLocaleLowerCase() in JavaScript
The toLocaleLowerCase() method is used to convert a string to lowercase letters by using the current locale. The locale is based on the language settings of the browser.
String toLocaleUpperCase() in JavaScript
The toLocaleUpperCase() method is used to convert a string to uppercase letters by using the current locale. The locale is based on the language settings of the browser.
String toLowerCase() in JavaScript
The toLowerCase() method is used to convert a string to lowercase letters. It does not have any effect on the original string.
String toString() in JavaScript
The toString() method is used to convert a string object into a string. This method is used to return a string as a string. It will not change the original string.
String toUpperCase() in JavaScript
The toUpperCase() method is used to convert a string to uppercase letters. It does not any effect on the original string.
String trim() in JavaScript
The trim() method is used to remove whitespace from both sides of a string. It will not have any effect on the original string.
String valueOf() in JavaScript
The valueOf() method is used to return the primitive value of a string. It does not have any effect on the original string. It is also used to convert a string object into a string.
String anchor() in JavaScript
The anchor method is used to return a string embedded in an a tag.
String big() in JavaScript
The big() method is used to return a string embedded in a < big > tag.
String blink() in JavaScript
The blink() method is used to return a string embedded in a < blink > tag.
String bold() in JavaScript
The bold() method is used to return a string embedded in a < bold > tag.
String fixed() in JavaScript
The fixed() method is used to return a string embedded in a < tt > tag.
String fontcolor() in JavaScript
The fontcolor() method is used to return a string embedded in a < font > tag.
String fontsize() in JavaScript
The fontsize() method is used to return a string embedded in a < font > tag.
String italics() in JavaScript
The italics() method is used to return a string embedded in a < i > tag.
String link() in JavaScript
The link() method is used to return a string embedded in a < a > tag.
String small() in JavaScript
The small() method is used to return a string embedded in a < small > tag.
String strike() in JavaScript
The strike() method is used to return a string embedded in a < strike > tag.
String sub() in JavaScript
The sub() method is used to return a string embedded in a < sub > tag.
String sup() in JavaScript
The sup() method is used to return a string embedded in a < sup > tag.
String constructor in JavaScript
The constructor property is used to return the function that created the String prototype. Its return is function String() { [native code] }.