
JavaScript Intro

JavaScript Intro Quiz

JavaScript Intro Exercise

JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic Quiz

JavaScript Basic Exercise

JavaScript Advance

JavaScript Advance Quiz

JavaScript Advance Exercise

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 Quiz

JavaScript ES6 Exercise

JavaScript Array Methods and Properties

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Properties and Methods

JavaScript Date Methods and Properties

JavaScript Global Methods and Properties

JavaScript RegExp Properties and Methods

JavaScript Class Methods and Keywords

JavaScript Errors, JSON and Booleans

JavaScript Statements

JavaScript Window History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Location Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Screen Object Properties

JavaScript Window Navigator Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Console Object Methods

JavaScript Geolocation and Storage APIs

JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration Object Methods and Properties

HTML DOM Documents Object Properties and Methods

DOM HTMLCollection Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Attributes Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Style Object Properties

HTML DOM AnimationEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ClipboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM DragEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM FocusEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM HashChangeEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM InputEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM KeyboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM PageTransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ProgressEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM StorageEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM WheelEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM UiEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TouchEvent Properties and Methods

The Event Object Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

List of HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Element accessKey Property
The accessKey property is used to either set or get the accesskey attribute of an element. It is actually used to specify a shortcut key to activate or focus an element.
HTML DOM Element addEventListener() Method
The addEventListener() method is used for attaching an event handler to an element.
HTML DOM Element appendChild() Method
The appendChild() method is used to append node i.e, element as the last child of an element.
HTML DOM Element attributes Property
The attributes property is used to return collection of attributes in an element in the form of NamedNodeMap. It is an array-like unordered collection of element attributes.
HTML DOM Element blur() Method
The blur() method is used for removing focus from an element.
HTML DOM Element childElementCount Property
The childElementCount property is used to return number of child elements of an element and is a read-only property. It is similar to children.length.
HTML DOM Element childNodes Property
The childNodes property is used to return the collection of an element child nodes. It is read-only property and returns a NodeList object.
HTML DOM Element children Property
The children property is used to return the collection of element child elements. It will return HTMLCollection object.
HTML DOM Element classList Property
The classList property is used to return the CSS classnames of an element and it will return DOMTokenList.
HTML DOM Element className Property
The className property is used to either get or set an element class attribute.
HTML DOM Element click() Method
The click() method is used to simulate a mouse-click on an element. It is the same as a user manually clicks on an element.
HTML DOM Element clientHeight Property
The clientHeight is read-only property and it is used to return the viewable height of an element in pixels that includes padding, scrollbar or margin but it does not include the border.
HTML DOM Element clientLeft Property
The clientLeft property is a read-only property and it returns the width of the element left border in pixels. It does not include left padding or left margin.
HTML DOM Element clientTop Property
The clientTop property is a read-only property and it returns the width of the element top border in pixels. It does not include top padding or top margin.
HTML DOM Element clientWidth Property
The clientWidth is read-only property and it is used to return the viewable width of an element in pixels that includes padding, scrollbar or margin but it does not include the border.
HTML DOM Element cloneNode() Method
The cloneNode() method is used for creating copies of a node and returning it. It clones all of its attributes and values. By setting its deep parameter to true, it will clone its children.
HTML DOM Element closest() Method
The closest() method is used to search up DOM tree for element that matches specific CSS selector. It starts at itself and then parent, grandparent, and so on
HTML DOM Element compareDocumentPosition() Method
The compareDocumentPosition() method is used for comparing two nodes. It returns an integer to describe their position in the document.
HTML DOM Element contains() Method
The contains() method is used to return true if a node is a descendant of a node else it will return false. The child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and so on are descendants.
HTML DOM Element contentEditable Property
The contentEditable property is used to either set or return if the content of an element is editable or not.
HTML DOM Element dir Property
The dir property is used to either set or return an element dir attribute. This attribute is basically used for text-direction.
HTML DOM Element firstChild Property
The firstChild property is used to return first child node of a node. It is a read-only property and returns a node object. It is similar to childNodes[0].
HTML DOM Element firstElementChild Property
The firstElementChild property is used to return the first child element of the specified element and is read-only property. It is the same as children[0].
HTML DOM Element focus() Method
The focus() method is used for focusing on the element if that element can be focused.
HTML DOM Element getAttribute() Method
The getAttribute() method is used to return the value of an element attribute.
HTML DOM Element getAttributeNode() Method
The getAttributeNode() method is used to return Attribute object. For accessing the attribute value, we have to Attr value property.
HTML DOM Element getBoundingClientRect() Method
The getBoundingClientRect() method is used to return DOMRect object. In other words, it returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.
HTML DOM Element getElementsByClassName() Method
The getElementsByClassName() method is used to return collection of child elements with a given class name. Its return is a NodeList object.
HTML DOM Element getElementsByTagName() Method
The getElementsByTagName() method is used to return collection of child elements with a given tag name. Its return is a NodeList object.
HTML DOM Element hasAttribute() Method
The hasAttribute() method is used to return true if the attribute exists. If it does not exist then it will return false.
HTML DOM Element hasAttributes() Method
The hasAttributes() method is used to return true if a node has attributes else false. It is only applicable on the element node and will return false if it is not the element node.
HTML DOM Element hasChildNodes() Method
The hasChildNodes() is a read-only method and it returns true if the specified node has any child nodes else false. Whitespaces are considered text nodes.
HTML DOM Element id Property
The id property is used to either set or return the value of an element id attribute. It must be unique within the page
HTML DOM Element innerHTML Property
The innerHTML property is used to either set or return the HTML content of an element.
HTML DOM Element innerText Property
The innerText property is used to either set or return the text content of an element. When setting, it will erase all previous nodes and add a new node.
HTML DOM Element insertAdjacentElement() Method
The insertAdjacentElement() method is used for inserting an element into a specified position.
HTML DOM Element insertAdjacentHTML() Method
The insertAdjacentHTML() method is used for inserting HTML code into a specified position.
HTML DOM Element insertAdjacentText() Method
The insertAdjacentText() method is used for inserting text into a specified position.
HTML DOM Element insertBefore() Method
The insertBefore() method is used for inserting a child node before an existing child.
HTML DOM Element isContentEditable Property
The isContentEditable is a read-only property and it returns true if the content of an element is editable.
HTML DOM Element isDefaultNamespace() Method
The isDefaultNamespace() method is used to return true if the elements namespace is default else it will return false.
HTML DOM Element isEqualNode() Method
The isEqualNode() is used to return true if two elements are equal or two nodes are equal.
HTML DOM isSameNode() Method
The isSameNode() method is used to check if two nodes are the same node. If they are the same it will return true else false.
HTML DOM Element lang Property
The lang property is used to either set or return the value of the element lang attribute.
HTML DOM Element lastChild Property
The lastChild property is used to return the last child node of a node. It is a read-only property and returns a node object.
HTML DOM lastElementChild Property
The lastElementChild property is used to return the last child element of the specified element and is read-only property.
HTML DOM Element matches() Method
The matches() method is used to return true if an element matched a specific CSS selector. It will return false otherwise.
HTML DOM Element namespaceURI Property
The namespaceURI property is a read-only property and is used to return the URI of the namespace of an element.
HTML DOM Element nextSibling Property
The nextSibling property is a read-only property and it returns the next node on the same tree level. It actually returns the node object.
HTML DOM Element nextElementSibling Property
The nextElementSibling property is a read-only property and it returns the next element in the same tree level.
HTML DOM Element nodeName Property
The nodeName property is a read-only property and it returns the name of a node.
HTML DOM Element nodeType Property
The nodeType property is a read-only property and it returns the node type of the specified node in the form of the number.
HTML DOM nodeValue Property
The nodeValue property is used to either set or return the value of a node. For element node, it will return NULL.
HTML DOM Element normalize() Method
The normalize() method is used for removing empty text nodes and joining adjacent text nodes.
HTML DOM Element offsetHeight Property
The offsetHeight property is a read-only property and it returns the viewable height of an element that includes padding, border, and scrollbar in pixels but it does not include the margin.
HTML DOM Element offsetWidth Property
The offsetWidth property is a read-only property and it returns the viewable width of an element that includes padding, border, and scrollbar in pixels but it does not include the margin.
HTML DOM Element offsetLeft Property
The offsetLeft property is a read-only property and it returns the left position relative to the parent in pixels.
HTML DOM Element offsetParent Property
The offsetParent property is used to return the nearest ancestor which has a non-static position i.e, other than static. It will return null if the element is invisible.
HTML DOM Element offsetTop Property
The offsetTop property is a read-only property and it returns the top position relative to the parent in pixels.
HTML DOM Element outerHTML Property
The outerHTML property is used to either set or return the HTML element that includes attributes, start tag, and end tag.
HTML DOM outerText Property
The outerText property is used to either set or return the text content of the specified node. It is very much similar to the outerHTML.
HTML DOM ownerDocument Property
The ownerDocument property is used to return the owner document of a node. It will return it as a Document object.
HTML DOM Element parentNode Property
The parentNode property is read-only property and it return the parent node of an element or node.
HTML DOM Element parentNode Property
The parentNode property is read-only property and it return the parent node of an element or node.
HTML DOM parentElement Property
The parentElement property is used to return the parent element of the specified element. It is similar to parentNode property.
HTML DOM Element previousSibling Property
The previousSibling property is a read-only property and it returns the previuos node on the same tree level. It actually returns the node object.
HTML DOM Element previousElementSibling Property
The previousElementSibling property is a read-only property and it returns the previous element in the same tree level.
HTML DOM querySelector() Method
The querySelector() method is used to return first child element that matched specified CSS selectors of an element.
HTML DOM querySelectorAll() Method
The querySelectorAll() method is used to return collection of an element child elements that matched specified CSS selector.
HTML DOM Element remove() Method
The remove() method is used to remove an element or node from the document.
HTML DOM Element removeAttribute() Method
The removeAttribute() method is used for removing an attribute from an element. It is similar to removeAttributeNode().
HTML DOM Element removeAttributeNode() Method
The removeAttributeNode() method is used for removing an attribute from an element. It is similar to removeAttribute().
HTML DOM Element removeChild() Method
The removeChild() method is used for removing an element child. It is actually removed from DOM(Document Object Model).
HTML DOM Element removeEventListener() Method
The removeEventListener() method is used for removing an event handler from an element.
HTML DOM Element replaceChild() Method
The replaceChild() method is used for replacing. It is used to replace child node with a new node.
HTML DOM Element scrollHeight Property
The scrollHeight property is a read-only property and it returns the height of an element including padding.
HTML DOM Element scrollIntoView Property
The scrollIntoView() method is used for scrolling an element into the visible area of the browser window.
HTML DOM Element scrollLeft Property
The scrollLeft property is used to either set or return the number of pixels an element content is scrolled horizontally.
HTML DOM Element scrollTop Property
The scrollTop property is used to either set or return the number of pixels an element content is scrolled vertically.
HTML DOM Element scrollWidth Property
The scrollWidth property is a read-only property and it returns the width of an element including padding.
HTML DOM Element setAttribute() Method
The setAttribute() method is used to set a new value to an attribute. It will create attribute if it does not exist.
HTML DOM Element setAttributeNode() Method
The setAttributeNode() method is used to add an attribute node to an element and if that attribute is already present it will replace it.
HTML DOM Element style Property
The style property is used to return the value of an element style attribute. It actually return a CSSStyleDeclaration object.
HTML DOM Element tabIndex Property
The tabIndex property is used to either set or return the value of the tabindex attribute of an element. This property is used to specify the order of element when navigating.
HTML DOM Element tagName Property
The tagName property is a read-only property and it return the tag name of an element. The property name will be returned in UPPERCASE.
HTML DOM Element textContent Property
The textContent property is used to either set or return the text content of the specified node. It will also return the text content of all of its descendants.
HTML DOM Element title Property
The title property is used to either set or return the value of an element title attribute. It is basically used for giving extra information about an element.