
JavaScript Intro

JavaScript Intro Quiz

JavaScript Intro Exercise

JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic Quiz

JavaScript Basic Exercise

JavaScript Advance

JavaScript Advance Quiz

JavaScript Advance Exercise

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 Quiz

JavaScript ES6 Exercise

JavaScript Array Methods and Properties

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Properties and Methods

JavaScript Date Methods and Properties

JavaScript Global Methods and Properties

JavaScript RegExp Properties and Methods

JavaScript Class Methods and Keywords

JavaScript Errors, JSON and Booleans

JavaScript Statements

JavaScript Window History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Location Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Screen Object Properties

JavaScript Window Navigator Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Console Object Methods

JavaScript Geolocation and Storage APIs

JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration Object Methods and Properties

HTML DOM Documents Object Properties and Methods

DOM HTMLCollection Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Attributes Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Style Object Properties

HTML DOM AnimationEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ClipboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM DragEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM FocusEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM HashChangeEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM InputEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM KeyboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM PageTransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ProgressEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM StorageEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM WheelEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM UiEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TouchEvent Properties and Methods

The Event Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Statements

List of JavaScript Statements

break in JavaScript
The break statement is used to break out of a switch or a loop. In a loop, it breaks out of the loop and continues executing code after the loop.
class in JavaScript
The class statement is used to initialize a JavaScript class. It is a type of object template. Its constructor() method is called each time a class object is initialized.
const in JavaScript
As we know, variables are containers for storing information. The const statement is used for declaring a variable. Creating a variable is similar to declaring a variable.
continue in JavaScript
The continue statement is used for breaking only one iteration in the loop if a specified condition occurs and continues with the next iteration in the loop.
debugger in JavaScript
The debugger statement is used to stop the execution of JavaScript and calls the debugger. It will not have any effect if no debugging is available.
do...while Loop in JavaScript
The do...while statement is used to define a code block to be executed once and then repeated as long as a condition is true. It is required when we want the code to run at least one time
for Loop in JavaScript
The for statement is used to define a block of code that is executed as long as a condition is true. Loop in JavaScript
The statements is used to iterate the loops over the properties of an object. Whatever code is present inside of a block, will be executed once for each property.
for...of Loop in JavaScript
The for...of statements is used to iterate loops over the values of any iterable. Whatever code is present inside of a block, will be executed once for each value.
function in JavaScript
The function statement is used for declaring a function. Its main purpose is for reusability. Without it, we have to write the same code multiple times for different inputs.
if...else in JavaScript
The if/else statement is used for executing a block of code if a specific condition is true. If the condition returns false then another block of code can be executed.
let in JavaScript
Variables are containers that are used for storing information. The let statement is used for declaring a variable. Creating and declaring a variable are the same.
return in JavaScript
The return statement is used to stop the execution of a function and returns a value. Code present after the return will not be executed if the return condition is true.
switch Statement in JavaScript
The switch statement is used for executing a block of code depending on different cases. It is part of JavaScript Conditional Statements which perform different actions under different conditions.
throw in JavaScript
The throw statement is used to throw/generate an error. It allows us to create our own custom errors. In other words, we can say that the throw statement throws an exception.
try...catch...finally in JavaScript
The try...catch...finally statements are used to handle errors without stopping JavaScript from executing.
var in JavaScript
Variables are containers that are used for storing information. The var statement is used for declaring a variable. Creating and declaring a variable are the same.
while Loop in JavaScript
The while statement is used for creating a loop that is executed while a condition is true. When the condition becomes false, the loop will end.