
JavaScript Intro

JavaScript Intro Quiz

JavaScript Intro Exercise

JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic Quiz

JavaScript Basic Exercise

JavaScript Advance

JavaScript Advance Quiz

JavaScript Advance Exercise

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 Quiz

JavaScript ES6 Exercise

JavaScript Array Methods and Properties

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Properties and Methods

JavaScript Date Methods and Properties

JavaScript Global Methods and Properties

JavaScript RegExp Properties and Methods

JavaScript Class Methods and Keywords

JavaScript Errors, JSON and Booleans

JavaScript Statements

JavaScript Window History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Location Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Screen Object Properties

JavaScript Window Navigator Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Console Object Methods

JavaScript Geolocation and Storage APIs

JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration Object Methods and Properties

HTML DOM Documents Object Properties and Methods

DOM HTMLCollection Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Attributes Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Style Object Properties

HTML DOM AnimationEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ClipboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM DragEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM FocusEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM HashChangeEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM InputEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM KeyboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM PageTransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ProgressEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM StorageEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM WheelEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM UiEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TouchEvent Properties and Methods

The Event Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

List of JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

Number constructor in JavaScript
The constructor property is used to return the function that created the Number prototype.
Number MAX_VALUE in JavaScript
The Number.MAX_VALUE property is used to return the largest number possible in JavaScript. Its value is 1.7976931348623157e+308. It is a property of the JavaScript Number object.
Number MIN_VALUE in JavaScript
The Number.MIN_VALUE property is used to return the smallest number possible in JavaScript. Its value is 5e-324.
Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY in JavaScript
The Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY property is used to return negative infinity. It is a number lower than any other number. It is a property of JavaScript Number Object.
Number NaN in JavaScript
NaN is a short form of Not-a-Number. It is an illegal number i.e, not a legal number. The Number.Nan property is very much similar to the Global NaN property.
Number POSITIVE_INFINITY in JavaScript
The POSITIVE_INFINITY property is used to return positive infinity. It is a number that is higher than any other number. It is the property of the JavaScript Number object.
Number prototype in JavaScript
The prototype property is used to add new properties and methods to numbers. It is available for all JavaScript objects.
Number isFinite() in JavaScript
The Number.isFinite() method is used to return true if a number is a finite number else it will return false. Some infinite numbers are Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN
Number isInteger() in JavaScript
The Number.isInteger() method is used to return true if a value is an integer of the given datatype Number else it will return false.
Number isNaN() in JavaScript
The Number.isNaN() method is used to return true if the value is NaN and the type is a Number else it will return false. NaN is a short form of Not-a-Number. It is an illegal number i.e, not a legal number.
Number isSafeInteger() in JavaScript
The Number.isSafeInteger() method is used to return true if a number is a safe integer else it will return false. The range of safe integer is (253 - 1) to -(253 - 1).
Number toExponential() in JavaScript
The toExponential() method is used to convert any number into an exponential notation.
Number toFixed() in JavaScript
The toFixed() method is used to convert a number to a string. It rounds the string to a specific number of decimals.
Number toLocaleString() in JavaScript
The toLocaleString() method is used to return a number as a string by using the local language format. It all depends upon the locale setup on the computer.
Number toPrecision() in JavaScript
The toPrecision() method is used to format a number to the specified length. If the length is more than the number then the decimal points and nulls are added to the number to format it to the precise length.
Number toString() in JavaScript
The toString() method is used to return a number as a string. Each object in JavaScript has a toString() method. It is used when we need to display a number as a string.
Number valueOf() in JavaScript
The valueOf() method is used to return the primitive value of a number.