
JavaScript Intro

JavaScript Intro Quiz

JavaScript Intro Exercise

JavaScript Basic

JavaScript Basic Quiz

JavaScript Basic Exercise

JavaScript Advance

JavaScript Advance Quiz

JavaScript Advance Exercise

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 Quiz

JavaScript ES6 Exercise

JavaScript Array Methods and Properties

JavaScript String Methods and Properties

JavaScript Number Methods and Properties

JavaScript Math Properties and Methods

JavaScript Date Methods and Properties

JavaScript Global Methods and Properties

JavaScript RegExp Properties and Methods

JavaScript Class Methods and Keywords

JavaScript Errors, JSON and Booleans

JavaScript Statements

JavaScript Window History Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Location Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Screen Object Properties

JavaScript Window Navigator Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Window Object Properties and Methods

JavaScript Console Object Methods

JavaScript Geolocation and Storage APIs

JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration Object Methods and Properties

HTML DOM Documents Object Properties and Methods

DOM HTMLCollection Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Attributes Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Elements Properties and Methods

HTML DOM Style Object Properties

HTML DOM AnimationEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ClipboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM DragEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM FocusEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM HashChangeEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM InputEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM KeyboardEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM PageTransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM ProgressEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM StorageEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TransitionEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM WheelEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM UiEvent Properties and Methods

HTML DOM TouchEvent Properties and Methods

The Event Object Properties and Methods

HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

List of HTML DOM MouseEvent Properties and Methods

onclick Event in JavaScript
The onclick event is used to fire on a mouse click on the element. It is applicable to all HTML elements.
oncontextmenu Event in JavaScript
The oncontextmenu event is used to fire when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.
ondblclick Event in JavaScript
The ondblclick event is used to fire on a mouse double-click on the element.
onmousedown Event in JavaScript
The onmousedown event is used to fire when a mouse button is pressed down on the element. It is applicable to all HTML elements.
onmouseenter Event in JavaScript
The onmouseenter event is used to occur when the mouse pointer is moved onto an element. It is used in combination with the onmouseleave event.
onmouseleave Event in JavaScript
The onmouseleave event is used to occur when the mouse pointer is moved out of an element. It is used in combination with the onmouseenter event.
onmousemove Event in JavaScript
The onmousemove event is used to fire when the pointer is moving while it is over an element. It is applicable to all HTML elements.
onmouseout Event in JavaScript
The onmouseout event is used to fire when the mouse pointer moves out of an element. It is applicable to all HTML elements.
onmouseover Event in JavaScript
The onmouseover event is used to fire when the mouse pointer moves over an element. It is mostly used with onmouseout event.
onmouseup Event in JavaScript
The onmouseup event is used to fire when a mouse button is released over the element. It is applicable to all HTML elements.
MouseEvent altKey Property in JavaScript
The altKey property is a read-only property and it is used to return a Boolean value that indicates whether the ALT key was pressed when a mouse event was triggered or not.
MouseEvent button Property in JavaScript
The button property is a read-only property and it is used to return a number that indicates which mouse button was pressed when a mouse event was triggered.
MouseEvent buttons Property in JavaScript
The buttons property is a read-only property and it is used to return a number that indicates which mouse button or mouse buttons were pressed when a mouse event was triggered.
MouseEvent clientX Property in JavaScript
The clientX property is a read-only property and it is used to return horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer when a mouse event was triggered according to client area.
MouseEvent clientY Property in JavaScript
The clientY property is a read-only property and it is used to return vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer when a mouse event was triggered according to client area.
MouseEvent ctrlKey Property in JavaScript
The ctrlKey property is a read-only property and it is used to return a Boolean value that indicates whether the CTRL key was pressed when a mouse event was triggered or not.
MouseEvent getModifierState() Method in JavaScript
The getModifierState() method returns true if the specified modifier key was pressed on mouse event, or activated else it will return false.
MouseEvent metaKey Property in JavaScript
The metaKey property is a read-only property and it is used to return a Boolean value that indicates whether the META key was pressed when a mouse event was triggered or not.
MouseEvent offsetX Property in JavaScript
The offsetX property is a read-only property and it is used to return x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the target element.
MouseEvent offsetY Property in JavaScript
The offsetY property is a read-only property and it is used to return y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the target element.
MouseEvent pageX Property in JavaScript
The pageX property is a read-only property and it is used to return horizontal coordinate of mouse pointer when a mouse event was triggered.
MouseEvent pageY Property in JavaScript
The pageY property is a read-only property and it is used to return vertical coordinate of mouse pointer when a mouse event was triggered.
MouseEvent relatedTarget Property in JavaScript
The relatedTarget property is a read-only property that returns an element related to the element that triggered the mouse event.
MouseEvent screenX Property in JavaScript
The screenX property is a read-only property and it is used to return horizontal coordinate of mouse pointer when an event was triggered according to users computer screen.
MouseEvent screenY Property in JavaScript
The screenY property is a read-only property and it is used to return vertical coordinate of mouse pointer when an event was triggered according to users computer screen.
MouseEvent shiftKey Property in JavaScript
The shiftKey property is a read-only property and it is used to return a Boolean value that indicates whether the SHIFT key was pressed when a mouse event was triggered or not.