CSS Intro

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CSS Properties

CSS Functions

CSS Selectors

CSS grid auto columns Property

CSS grid-auto-columns Property



The grid-auto-columns property is used to set the size of the columns in a grid container. It works only on those columns whose size is not specified.


Default Value:-


Its default value is:- auto




Its syntax is:- grid-auto-columns: auto | max-content | min-content | length;


Further Explanation:-


Value Description
auto The size of the columns is determined by the size of the container
fit-content() According to the content in column.
max-content Sets the size of each column depending on the largest item in the column
min-content Sets the size of each column depending on the smallest item in the column
minmax(min.max) Sets a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max
length Sets the size of the columns by using length value.
% Sets the size of the columns by using a percent value

Code Explanation

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