CSS Intro

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CSS3 Quiz

CSS3 Exercise

CSS Properties

CSS Functions

CSS Selectors

CSS grid Property

CSS grid Property



The grid property sets all of the explicit and implicit grid properties in a single declaration i.e, a shorthand property for:-

  1. grid-template-rows
  2. grid-template-areas
  3. grid-template-columns
  4. grid-auto-flow
  5. grid-auto-rows
  6. grid-auto-columns


Default Value:-


Its default value is:- none none none auto auto row




Its syntax is:- grid: none | grid-template-rows / grid-template-columns | grid-template-areas | grid-template-rows / [grid-auto-flow] grid-auto-columns | [grid-auto-flow] grid-auto-rows / grid-template-columns | initial | inherit;


Further Explanation:-


Value Description
none  No specific sizing of the columns or rows
grid-template-columns / grid-template-rows Specifies the size of the columns and rows
grid-template-areas Specifies the grid layout using named items
grid-template-rows / grid-auto-columns Specifies the size/height of the rows, and the auto size of the columns
grid-auto-rows / grid-template-columns Specifies the auto size of the rows, and sets the grid-template-columns property
grid-template-rows / grid-auto-flow grid-auto-columns Specifies the size/height of the rows, and how to place auto-placed items, and the auto size of the columns
grid-auto-flow grid-auto-rows / grid-template-columns Specifies how to place auto-placed items, and the auto size of the rows, and sets the grid-template-columns property
initial Sets this property to its default value.
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element.

Code Explanation

All Tutorials related to CSS Properties

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